Take Action

Actions related to federal government

Tell your U.S. Senators to protect families seeking asylum.  (New: 06/21/2024)

Stop government’s massive privacy invasion. Tell Congress to pass the Fourth Amendment is Not For Sale Act, which would require the government to secure a court order before buying certain types of personal data from brokers such as cell phone location data. (New: 06/21/2024)

Tell Congress to pass the Abolition Amendment to end the “exception clause” of the 13th Amendment, i.e. to end slavery or involuntary servitude as a punishment of crime. (New: 06/21/2024)

Sign ACLU’s Reproductive Freedom Petition to urge members of Congress to pass federal legislation that safeguards our reproductive freedom – including abortion, birth control and IVF care.   (Posted: 05/25/2024)


Actions related to California state government

Support LGBTQ+ students.  Stop forced outing.  Tell your Assemblymember to vote “yes” on AB 1955. (New: 06/26/2024)

Stop face surveillance; stop wrongful arrests.  Tell your State Senator to vote “no” on AB 1814.  (Posted: 05/25/2024)

Tell your California State Senator to pass ACA 8 to end slavery in California.  (Posted: 04/25/2024)

Housing is a human right. Tell your California Assemblymember to vote “yes” on ACA 10.  (Updated: 06/21/2024)

Ask your state legislators to pursue legislative action to develop strict statewide laws and responsible statutory restrictions to rein in the use of police attack dogs. (Posted: 02/24/2024)


Actions related to local government


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